Lungwort Herb|Lungworth Herb|100g|

Lungwort Herb|Lungworth Herb|100g|
Lungwort Herb|Lungworth Herb|100g|
Lungwort Herb|Lungworth Herb|100g|
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Product Description

Lungwort Herb - Pulmonaria officinalis L - Herba Organica

herba organica,lugwort, lungwort herb, herbal tea, organic, dietary herbs, Pulmonaria officinalis
How To Make An Infusion

1-3 tsp of Lungwort Herb pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse covered for 10-15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink 3 x daily in a dose of 100 ml.

You can use that infusion as a skin tonic.

That herb might be used to prepare a decoction.

If you have your own suggestion, how to use that herb, please share it in the comment.

Lungwort Herb - Pulmonaria officinalis L - Herba Organica

Common names includes lungwort, common lungwort, Mary's tears or Our Lady's milk drops

  • 100% Natural product without any additives
  • The highest quality - Herba Organica
  • Hand-packed herbs selected from qualified pickers
  • Collected from the wild state